Take action
If you rent or own, if you've lived here for 6 months or 30 years, if you're 18 or 80: Your voice matters in our community.
Our mayor and town council are our neighbors, and everyone who lives here has an opportunity to be heard. There are many ways to get involved: you can talk to a council member about your vision of Chapel Hill's future; speak in support of a new affordable housing development at a town council meeting; run for town council or join an advisory board, or write to your neighborhood listserv. We can help you.
Join Chapel Hill for All
Want to help make a difference? Join us as we work towards a Chapel Hill that is affordable, sustainable, inclusive, and vibrant.
Request a Yard Sign
We have printed yard signs! It's important to show your neighbors and our community that we value a vibrant, affordable, sustainable, and inclusive Chapel Hill, where people at every stage of life and at all income levels can find a home. Fill out this form and we'll be in touch!
We are asking for a $10 donation for yard signs to cover our printing costs. We are also sharing the high quality PDF. You can send it to a local sign shop to DIY, and/or hang it in your window.
I don't have a yard. How do I show support?
We have digital yard signs too. Download what you need for Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Twitch, YouTube, YikYak, Yo!, SnapChat, MySpace, Tumblr, NextDoor (😱) or whatever other platform you may be on with others in Chapel Hill.
Here's a high quality PDF. You can send it to a local sign shop to DIY, and/or hang it in your window.
We also have images for Facebook, Your Story, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Write to town council
Your voice matters and all voices in our community deserve to be heard. We have developed a guide for how to write to Town Council about housing.
Write a piece for Triangle Blog Blog
Our news and civics blog reaches thousands of people across Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Dozens of people in our community have contributed pieces about housing, greenways, and possible improvements to our towns. If you'd like to help, we'd love to chat. Email triangleblogblog@gmail.com.